Monday, December 9, 2013

2nd Annual South Town Art Walk

The 2013 Art Walk was a ton of fun!! This year we artists got organized and decided to arrange a pre-tour so we could all see each other's studios. It was quite a success and everyone's spaces looked fantastic! Quite a few people made it out on the walk in the snow. We visited with lots of south town residents, friends and family and there were some visitors that braved the snow covered roads from North Corvallis and even Albany! Thanks everyone for coming out and hope you enjoyed the walk!
Art Walkers having a good time!

Sophia Ferrand, a young artist selling her hand made jewelry

(Left to right) Fellow artist Diana Jenner (who was sharing my space with her inspirational and Doctor Who ceramic art), Tal Carmi (one of the masterminds behind the south town art walk, and Owen Ryan 

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