Monday, September 20, 2010

New Work 2010

These are some of my preliminary sketches from my art journal added to show the progression of ideas.

Color studies

I am currently working on a new body of work inspired by kids' art. After over 3 years of teaching art to kids and seeing their free flowing and imaginative drawings, particularly abstract, I've decided to take a child like approach to form and function. I am working on a series of sculptures and tiled wall pieces that bring various ideas and shapes to life. I am interested in creating a fantastical environmnet that transforms the viewer as soon as they enter into it.

Unfinished tiles- I want to play around with a gold leaf design on the black areas around the circle and mount tiles on a board for display.

"Lifelines"- series of tiles (will be mounted on larger board), low fire clay, painted with acrylic paint. (see 2 piece greenware pic further down, before tiles were put together)

Series of painted tiles, free hand carved and stretched by slapping along the canvas table. layed over painted cardboard. Eventually I will mount them on a black board.

"Lifelines" Work in progress. Series of tiles hand shaped (quite literally-the lines on the circular tiles are the creases in the palm of my hand). Round tiles will be attached to the tops of the spikes on square tiles so that each circle is a different height.

Sqare form with circular center, hollow constructed. Using negative space as form. I went back and forth on this one whether or not to put the spout at the top. Sculptural or vase... or creature? 19" tall.

This is my favorite so far. Ceramic, hollow constructed, painted with acrylic paint. Its missing a piece that broke as I was loading it into the kiln- it will have another square and circle underneath the existing one. It is 20" tall.

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