Monday, March 9, 2009

Work in Progress

Right now I am working on a series of aqua vases for an upcoming show at the Arts Center in Corvallis, OR. I plan on incorporating the vases into an installation coupled with an oceanic painting I made for my mom of the ocean.

Greenware assembled and waiting to be carved.

After renovating our new house, my husband and I have created a space in the remodeled garage for my studio. It is unfinished and I will be replacing the window and re-doing the wall that the window is on, adding insulation and painting but this is it for now. I am excited to start making new work for my portfolio as well as work for exhibitions and craft shows this summer!

1 comment:

Josh said...

Hey. Thanks for letting me in on the fact that you have a blog. Everything looks great. I hope the new space works out.